Urban Ladder, one of India’s largest and most loved online furniture brands, entered into the offline world with the objective of giving shoppers a more tangible and personalised shopping experience. A retail space where they could see, touch and feel the furniture they love, while they explore ideas to create the home of their dreams.
The Restore POV
We were tasked with three key objectives: inspiration, visualisation and consultation. The retail store is a perfect blend of these elements. While products shown in different settings give the shoppers a realistic idea, the customer experience design focuses on helping them take an informed decision. From terrariums to different elements paired in particular settings, like lamp shades, carpets, curtains and other decor items, the store is full of ideas that can inspire the shopper.
The Details
We conceived a collection of bespoke design elements to engage and activate the shoppers. The coming alive of different sections of a home: living, bedroom, dining, etc., to the workshop area, kids’ area and a reading corner. The customer experience design fosters the element of consultation, so that shoppers get a great experience. Shoppers can also browse through the complete catalogue on the iPads placed near each section. The customer stories presented at the retail store create a wall of trust and a sense of connection to the brand that helps create your home, sweet, home.