Pantaloon Kids is an offshoot of the core Pantaloons brand which is one of the biggest names in Indian retail.
The Restore POV
A store devoted to kids has to keep children at the core of the retail design solution. Ironically, most retail spaces focused on the parent since they were the ones who were paying. So if the prime customer is a child, how do you figure out their likes? So we got a dozen children together, gave them fake money to spend and let them loose in a prototype store. This gave us a deep insight into what attracted their attention, what held them and what didn’t.
The Details
Using bold, impactful colours and coding them by age groups we directed kids to the zone which catered to their needs. For example, an inclusive purple for kids in the 7-14 age group, vibrant orange for toddlers and a bright yellow for infants. Bolstered by all the stuff kids love like welcoming wristbands, sticker books, kiddie shopping bags and even a special fragrance, we helped the store to connect with the most demanding of customers. Making Pantaloon kids for kids, designed partly by kids.